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Rod Fortran Memorial Scholarships


In November 2017, the New Scotland Soccer Club lost a longstanding coach,

officer, board member, and friend, Rod Fortran. In his many years working with

soccer players and coaches ,he believed strongly that everyone should have

an opportunity to play and that all coaches should be encouraged to continue

to learn. In his memory, the New Scotland Soccer Club has created the new

Rod Fortran Memorial Scholarship Program.


What it is 

There are two types of scholarships offered:

  1. Player Scholarships. Whether it is for covering the cost of registration, camp, or uniforms, Player Scholarships are available on an “as needed” basis.

  2. Coaching Education Scholarships. In January of each year, Rod and his friend Tom Jones would faithfully attend the National Soccer Coaches of America Convention. Now called the United Soccer Coaches Convention, there is a $75 scholarship available to cover the registration costs. 


In the event that there is more than one individual requesting the scholarships, the Board of Directors will determine if there is enough funding to cover more than one individual or split the money, providing both with a discount. 


Additionally, stop by the Voorheesville Public Library to check out the many coaching books from Rod’s collection. Not only are the books searchable as the “Fortran Soccer Collection”, but each book includes a sticker in remembrance of his contributions. 


How to request a scholarship

Scholarships can be requested by contacting any Club Officer or member of the Board of Directors. 


How to donate

Be a part of supporting this important program by donating to the New Scotland Soccer Club. Donations may be made out to the: New Scotland Soccer Club, Inc, P.O. Box 44 Voorheesville, NY 12186. Contributions to support these purposes are deeply appreciated. 

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